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Get the Facts About Dental Implants: Answering the Top 10 Questions

Have you been considering dental implants as a solution to replace your missing teeth? With its popularity growing, there are countless people in the same boat eager to learn more about this amazing tooth-replacement procedure. 

You’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will be diving into the world of dental implants, answering the top 10 questions that commonly arise when exploring this option. From discussing what an implant is and how it works to cover the cost and maintenance involved in getting one, we have all the inside info you need to make an informed decision about dental implants.

1. What is a Dental Implant? 

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that serves as a strong and secure foundation for the replacement of missing teeth. Implants are made from materials that are biocompatible, meaning they will not cause any rejection or harm to your body. The implant is then fused into your jawbone, providing a permanent solution for your missing tooth or teeth.

2.  How Does It Work? 

After your dental surgeon places the implant in your jaw, it will take some time (up to three months) for the implant to fully integrate with the surrounding bone tissue. Once this process has taken place, a porcelain crown can be placed on top of the implant, making it look and feel like your original tooth.

3. Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

 Most patients are able to receive dental implants, though the outcome will depend on your overall dental health and the position of your jawbone. Generally speaking, if you have enough healthy gums and jawbone tissue in place, then you can be a candidate for implants.

4. Are Implants Safer than Bridges or Dentures? 

Yes! Because they are securely bonded in place with your natural bone structure, there is no chance that they will slip out of place as some other forms of tooth replacement may do over time. Implants also preserve more of your natural teeth because bridges require existing teeth to be filed down for proper installation.

5. How Long Do Implants Last?

 With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime and will require no more maintenance than your regular brushing and flossing routine.

6. What is the Cost of Dental Implants? 

The cost of getting implants varies from patient to patient depending on their particular needs and the complexity of the procedure needed for installation. However, compared to dentures, which need to be replaced every 5-7 years, dental implants offer greater value over time in terms of both cost and convenience.

7. Are Implants Painful? 

During the procedure itself, you may experience mild discomfort as your dentist works to install the implant(s). There are no good dental implants specialist in California, as Temecula Dental Implants and Oral Surgery experts are. Afterward, you may experience some swelling and soreness that can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers.

8. What Are the Risks Involved with Dental Implants? 

Though dental implants are considered safe, there is always a risk of infection or rejection of the implant by your body, both of which can be treated effectively by your doctor.

9. How Long Does it Take to Get an Implant? 

It usually takes two to three separate appointments spaced out over several months in order to complete the whole process. This includes getting impressions made for the crown, having surgery to insert the implant, and finally placing the crown on top of the implant after it has healed properly. Each appointment typically takes around one hour but may vary depending on the complexity of the individual procedure.

10. What is the Aftercare for Dental Implants? 

Taking care of your dental implants is much like taking care of your natural teeth and just requires brushing, flossing and regular visits to the dentist. While it is important to maintain good oral hygiene, there are also some specific aftercare steps that you can take to ensure your implants last a lifetime. These steps include avoiding foods that are hard or sticky, wearing a mouthguard while playing sports or grinding your teeth at night, and refraining from smoking or using any tobacco products.

Now that you have all the answers to your top 10 questions about dental implants, you can make an educated decision as to whether they are right for you. Give your dentist a call today to learn more and begin the conversation about getting dental implants!

Umer JavedGet the Facts About Dental Implants: Answering the Top 10 Questions
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